Saturday, August 22, 2020

NYC Dysfunctional

There were 2 totally incongruous stories about NYC on Zerohedge today.

Here's the first:

Cuomo just said that schools can open - that there is no reason not to open.  But restaurants might have close the doors .... again.

Does that makes sense?  Of course not.  It seems obvious that there is something else going on rather than "public health".  The people who are saying that 'they' want to make people's lives miserable until after the election might have a case.  The stupid thing is that NY isn't going to be a republican state anyway.  That also makes no sense.  

The restaurant owners have talked about legal action. The best comment was someone saying "what took so long?" in response to that.  Why is no one legally pushing back?  Where are the lawyers?  They are everywhere else, destroying things here in NYC, and now they're nowhere to be found.  The restaurant industry has some clout, they should use it.

But this group has even more clout, and they're begging??

Hey NYC landlords, you control the city government, you get special rules that line your pockets, you've artificially inflated prices for decades ... how about rather than beg businesses, you push back against gov't officials?  They're the ones destroying your business.

I can't think of a strategy more useless. Sad!

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