Friday, August 21, 2020

Decline and Fall: NYC Edition II

I'm a native New Yorker.  I live in the Bronx.

I'm old enough to remember NYC in the late 1970's.  I went to HS in Brooklyn, and graduated in 1990.  What that means is I saw the NYC that looked like this every day:

NYC in 1979

When I started taking the train to high school, that's how it looked.  That's not a scene from a movie. 

It took a long time to get the city to a place where people could live with some semblance of dignity.  Unfortunately, the ethos of the day and the Progressive imbeciles who run the place are ruining NYC all over again.  

I met a HS friend yesterday, and one of them took the train up to the Bronx from Harlem.  While riding the #2 train she saw 5 homeless people come through the cars, begging for food and money.  2 of them were women.  One of them was pregnant.

In a viable city, there is more opportunity.  Businesses stick around, people are hopeful, and capital is invested.

I'm not hopeful about the future of NYC.  The damage done during the DiBlasio / Covid / Cuomo era of destruction will be difficult to repair.  

There is a lot to discuss, particularly the clownish and stupid Mayor DiBlah, but Paul Joseph Watson does a good job at showing how to ruin a city.  Watson is good at what he does.  He explains just about the entire process in just over 10 minutes.  Nothing he says here is untrue.  

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