Monday, June 15, 2020

Will America Break Up in 2030 or 2033?

They seem to be sprinting for the finish line.  The Top of the Pyramid, for whatever reason, is really going hard.  I think they'll succeed.  This seems engineered, and I'm not the only one who sees it:

The Elite, who went to the elite boarding schools, have read Caesar's Gallic Wars.  Divide and Conquer works.  After The Great Hollowing Out of the United States - 1913 to 2016, they seem to be rabidly picking out the carcass while feverishly working to remain in control.

I have had some questions after the fact:

  • Why is a border, armed with people with guns, acceptable for CHAZ? What about 'gun violence and gun control?  Is that topic finished?
  • Who brought the barricades to wall off CHAZ? Who paid for that? Who set them up without getting bothered?  If you went to your street, and did the same thing - what would happen?
  • How do random pallets of bricks show up on non construction zones?  Who paid for that?
  • How come the Corporate Press isn't critical of the protest / riot gatherings?  What happened to COVID?
  • Since when do people in Brussels and Paris care about police brutality in Minneapolis - or America for that matter?  Don't they have their own problems?  Yet they manage to have massive protests ... about happenings in Minnesota?
  • How does the Corporate Press manage to rigidly stay on message, even when the message, and the parallel hypocrisies and turnarounds, are also exactly the same?
  • Who is paying for all of this?  Can you just up and leave your house, go to a major city, and protest?  I can't, and I'm a public sector employee who has been getting paid throughout COVID.
  • Why is the timing perfect for the protests / looting / after ruining the US Economy?  I'm always supposed to believe in 'coincidence theory', and never 'conspiracy theory'.
  • "Defund the Police" emerged out of nowhere.  There has never been any approval or agitation for this.  Until now - and it's nationwide.  How did that happen?

Unfortunately, the historical cycle will go the way it always has.  The country simply cannot hold together, nor do I think it wants to.  I see the Elites not only ignoring, but encouraging looting and the destruction of private property.  David Dorn was killed.  Memorial Day weekend in Chicago was a massacre with black people getting killed in the double figures.  These topics are not only officially Not News, they don't matter at all.  Even worse, if you speak about them, much of the sheeple herd will pillory you on social media.  This fact will be a large reason behind the inevitable breakup.  The smart money says it happens around 2033.  With things going the way they have, I say that's optimistic.  My date is 2030.

If we all saw the Top of the Pyramid and their repellent shenanigans, we could stay together.  But that isn't happening.  People are cheering and following the figures they see as authorities.  


Very few people are calling out those in power.  Glenn Greenwald is one of the few.  He sees the obvious hypocritical messaging fail, and disembowels them in print:

Matt Taibbi sees it too.  He exposes the Corporate Media and rips apart 'progressives' and the 'progressive media':


Lastly, here are some images and a short video from Richmond, VA yesterday.  All I see is an unthinking herd.  People easily manipulated, who will do as they're told, with bafflingly limited knowledge of American History, or anything else for that matter.

One of the pictures shows that someone out there knows what's up.  The "Justice for Duncan Lemp" was good to see.  There's a reason you don't know who he was.  Once you look into it you'll see why.

The Check Cashing Place

Stonewall Jackson

Arthur Ashe

Robert E. Lee

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