Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Line Dinh Lets it Fly

This could only be from a site that has been banned by Facebook.

Line Dinh has a site appropriately named "Postcards From the End of America".  Dinh has it right.  We are seeing, at warp speed, the beginning of the inevitable end of the American Experiment.  There is no way to save it, as the double standards combine with wanton destruction.  That is a lethal combination, and throughout history, it always has been.  Our historically illiterate woke population doesn't know or understand any of this of course.  It's all about how they feel at the time.  Facts and history are anachronistic and irrelevant.

I wonder how they'll feel when they're hungry?

As I write this, they're going after the former paragon of woke virtue, JK Rowling.  Her sin?  She's now 'transphobic' for defending women.

Cereal is now racist as well.  It's difficult to keep up.  I don't think I'll try.  I will stick to Education and School - my specialties.  However, this is from today.  It's a real story:

Dinh, in his article, quotes from Joe Sobran, a writer who was kicked out of the mainstream.  He was consistently conservative, and the Elites in the Neoconservative movement branded him all the usual names and he was "cancelled", before there was such a thing.  This was in the 1990's.

Sobran nailed it, years ago.  He saw what was coming:

Dinh explains how this whole thing went down in Maoist China.  It's happening here.  It won't end well.

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