Monday, June 1, 2020

Minneapolis: Hotep Jesus Has A 4-Step Plan on How to Fix The Riots...Forever

This is the latest assignment for the 12th grade Public Speaking class.  As I'm congenitally unable to give out something from an Establishment Source, I thought Hotep Jesus would be a good person to put in front of my population.


Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, has a definitive plan to clean up the cities and stop the riots forever. As this is the only assignment for the week I would like you to listen to his plan, his delivery, and his use of rhetoric. You need to listen however, because he comes up with not only specific ideas, but he names names and uses a linear approach to fix things. He talks about social issues, but also the economics and money involved during this volatile time. At times, he gets emotional and cuts down to the bone. There is some profanity, nothing worse than you hear in the hallways every day, but be prepared anyway.
  • Secure the perimeter
  • Hire only local firms
  • Secure the contracts
  • Execute without deviation.

HJ talks about this as a start, not a reaction to an event. As you listen, perhaps take notes, as he tosses out names, ideas, criticisms, and unpopular opinions (particularly about schools). I found the last 8 minutes when he talks about "the Program" quite profound.

Please produce a critical write up of the message and the delivery. Keep in mind, some of you can do as well or better than he does. As I write this, I'm thinking of a few names from pds. 3 and 7 who can do this.

Now that we're at the end of the year it's time for you to create your channels and get out there and speak. YouTube, Vimeo, Bitchute, D-Live .. do your thing.

If not you, who? If not now, when?


  1. Very cool! Thanks for this guy!

  2. Thank you for the nice words! Hotep Jesus speaks a lot of truth.
