Sunday, May 31, 2020

G. E. D. Report #50 - Why I Pay for News and Information

Today I'm talking to you about paying for media, paying for content.

I think the next online behavioral wave will be people paying for news media. I've been listening to unauthorized.TV and and they’ve changed many things and quite a bit of my thought processes.

I write this while I’m listening to Dolores Cahill, a doctor in the UK and James Delingpole. One of the amazing connections I've made while listening to them is realizing that doctor Cahill is talking about going outside and getting sunlight vitamin D, taking vitamin C, taking zinc and having those things be the answer to not getting sicknesses like the Novel Coronavirus.

What that would mean is the amazing monetary windfall that would come with a global vaccine would not be possible if people were to be healthy on their own. Think about it. If people are incredibly healthy, immune or near immune to all sorts of viruses, then what we call ‘big pharma’ can't make any money. What we call ‘big government’ can't control your actions.

If you're a healthy person and you're taking vitamins, or eating vitamin and mineral rich food and you know you're not going to get sick, then the people who want to control you and your family and your loved ones have no power. And not only that, they won't make any money off you.

So, in listening to Cahill and Delingpole today on a site for which I pay, I made a connection between big pharma, big medical, and big government and their desire to control and make millions upon millions of dollars at our expense by using our fear. Thusly, the point of my YouTube video is that slowly the remnant, or the top 20%, will realize that it's time to pull away from the Corporate Media Establishment voices and companies and go with much smaller, leaner, more effective subscription models.

That's the trend that I see coming and it has helped me as I describe in the video. I have very little fear and feel much more empowered and much more able to live a life of abundance and fulfillment than one of cowering in my apartment, wearing a mask, hoping I don't get the bug.

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