Tuesday, June 9, 2020

John Taylor Gatto Response: Another Independent Thinker Arrives

Here is another response to the John Taylor Gatto "Schools From the Heart" mini documentary lesson I gave last month.  I am consistently amazed how they have eyes to see things that many older people can't.  To the teenagers, these things are obvious - right in front of your face.  To many adults, they are "crazy".


There were some gems I caught in this video:

· Only in real life experiences will a student be able to teach himself.
· Schooling is not education but an attempt to write one right way for everybody.
· Self-knowledge is key.

When I heard him say schooling is not education, but an attempt to “write one right way for everybody”, I got chills because that is the truth. It’s pretty crazy because one day after our class we spoke about the education system and how it is failing its students. Growing up I remember being taught not to do certain things because ‘it wasn’t the way it is supposed to be done’. I remember being introduced to a new and complicated curriculum in elementary and middle school. Often, my mom would teach me another, simpler way.

He also says firsthand experiences are the only way to learn. I agree. With all new experiences come new findings and learning. If it is constructive, like doing internships, I believe it definitely brings a different perspective. What I picked up on the most was the emphasis on the outside world. Stepping out of the classroom, which is far more important than any classroom. He wants his students to have life skills - which I truly believe is important. To connect this all to Covid, with all of this time on our hands, it is hard to know what to do with it.

Truthfully, recently, I haven’t been using my time in the most constructive way. I realized that and started to do more. I picked up a few new hobbies and I’m actually pretty good at them. I have been getting into spirituality and things like that. I have found new topics that have made me think. I Even watched a whole show about the CIA and the crack epidemic, which I found extremely interesting.

Overall, I am very thankful for this break. It showed me a lot.


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