Monday, June 8, 2020

Denzel Washington Talks About the Family

This is the last assignment of the year.
In a year that not one of us will forget, I would like to congratulate you all and thank you for working with me as we all have intellectually flourished. For some of you, that gray matter in between your temples began to spark. Those sparks will eventually grow to become an intellectual supernova.

This video hit my screen in a serendipitous manner this morning. It's more relevant than what I was planning. If you could please comment on what Denzel, out of Pennington-Grimes Elementary school (that's what it was called then), has to say. He talks about family and the home. He speaks about his younger years in Mt. Vernon. Especially in light of recent events, is his message stale? Or has he hit on something that has been forgotten and is elegant in its simplicity? Maybe it's a combination of both.

Use your powers of rhetoric and dialectic to dissect and explain Washington's message.

Congratulations on moving to the next level. You're ready. Please keep in touch.

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