Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Do We Feed America During COVID-19?

One of the things that has come up recently in my circle is the desire to teach those people who don't see what is directly in front of them. I've been listening to the Joel Salatin and Thomas Massie interview below, and the issue is your food supply. Massey and Salatin are explaining directly that large government corporate farms are the incorrect way to structure both society and our food system.

Here’s the thing: I want people to know what they're talking about. I want to teach Americans that the same government that has completely botched the coronavirus response has also broken the food supply system. The roadblock that we, concerned intelligent Americans, always encounter is explaining to people that the corporate government alliance that rules over us is not the answer. You aren't going to be able to explain to the garden variety American that the government response to COVID-19 is wrong. As frustrating as this is to me, once you realize that you simply cannot teach people what they don't want to learn, things become easier.

This tweet distills what I'm trying to say:

Salatin and Massey come up with amazing points in this video. They teach you about the food system and the food delivery system, and they also show you how things in that space really work. Just as the food industrial complex has broken our food system and food delivery system, it has done the same thing with the coronavirus response, the school system, the entertainment industry, the automobile industry and many more.

I learned a lot from this video And I want to share it with everybody. I'm not going to do that because it will be pointless. The way to change a broken fake America into a land with basic freedoms and Liberty is to talk with people whom you trust as well as those who are generally younger and have an open mind. It's going to be slow, and it's going to be frustrating, but one thing about this novel coronavirus time is it has made things even more clear to those people who can think for themselves and are able to question authority, in particular, government.

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