Thursday, May 21, 2020

Another Unintended Consequence of CV19 - School is Wasted Time

Here is another student response from the John Taylor Gatto "Classrooms of the Heart" assignment from last week.  I have to think The Narrative and Thought Controllers will be unhappy that the Religion of School has been exposed by forcing everything to close. They exercised their power to the fullest, but I doubt they anticipated this:


"I agree with Taylor Gatto and his viewpoint on school, he believes that an education isn't bad, schooling is. Direct experience is the main way a student can really learn, you see real life experiences are what both teach and test individuals with the end goal for them to find themselves. We get the opportunity to witness instances of what it resembles to apply these ideas in practice by children communicating about their experiences. One thing I have come to realize is that students are learning faster during this coronavirus pandemic, well me in particular. We now have the freedom to complete assignments without the feeling of it being constrained unto us.

At one point during school I came to the realization that I wasn’t really learning, I was simply passing.

My outlook was exclusively centered around acquiring an 'A'. I say with complete honesty that I don't recall the vast majority of the information I was ‘educated’ on. I would just retain the various materials I was being tested on in order to pass my tests, because let’s be honest, that’s what mostly determines whether or not you pass or fail the class. After I took said tests, that information was gone in light of the fact that I didn't really learn them. Now that I’m at home I have more time to do school work, I know how to get better grades, I’m actually learning since educators are currently reacting and offering guidance, which unfortunately doesn't typically happen when we are in school.

I’m fond of Gatto’s approach because he encourages students to open their brains, think imaginatively and become autonomous people."


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