Monday, May 11, 2020

Classrooms of the Heart: Intellectual Freedom During COVID-19

Good morning everyone.

Because this video is a bit longer than the others it will be the only assignment for this week. John Taylor Gatto, the subject of this video, changed my teaching life permanently. He analyzed the origins of school and found some disturbing information. The most concise way to put it is that the Power Elite instituted school in America for the same reason they instituted it in other countries: as a way to control the thoughts, behavior, and spending habits of the masses.

Gatto's book on the subject is this one. I re-read it periodically.

In this mini documentary, made in the early 1990's, you will learn not only why Gatto was a multiple time 'Teacher of the Year' in NY State and NYC, but also why they tried to fire him multiple times.

If you're an independent thinker, you'll be hooked within the first 2 minutes. If you're a curious person, it will take 5 minutes. The connection between this short documentary and today is that some of you have realized that you are learning faster during this time of CV19, and you're delving into fields that interest you. I suspect that many of you are doing more intellectually intense work and thinking more now that we are out of the school building. Perhaps a few of you have asked yourselves why you'd go back into the building in the first place. Now that the intellectual shackles have been removed, you're free to explore whatever topic you want at the speed you wish.

Gatto tried to recreate this concept with 8th graders in the Bad Neighborhood. He was successful.

Please watch this 27 minute documentary. It is the only assignment this week. Respond / react in a way you feel is adequate, as well as trying to make a connection to the 'homeschooling' era of This Novel Coronavirus.

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