Saturday, April 18, 2020

Using Time Constructively - Creating a Larger Online Presence During CV19

During this era of The Novel Coronavirus, I am doing the following things.  I am trying to stay productive.  I also want to make money.  So do you.  I'm just not afraid to admit it.

I have created a Vimeo page.  I love the smooth interface, and the unique feel that differs from Youtube.  It was easy to set up and the free plan is pretty good in terms of video storage.  The pricing plans are also fair.

The email service I use is called Mailchimp.  You can subscribe to my email list here.  Mailchimp offered a FREE website - with your personalized address.  Free?  I can't turn that down, and it's a nice easy way to get people to see who you are.  The Freelance Teacher dot Net was available, so I took it!

I also have created a series on Udemy for young adults, or ESL / ENL students who want to learn 'Professional English'.  There seems to be a big market for these types of classes.  I chose Real Estate first and recorded the 'Real Estate terms' classes, and created the free downloadable documents.  It will be published within the next day or two on my Udemy home page.  I will add HVAC classes, Teacher certification classes and more this coming month.

I will also put these classes on my Teachable home page.  I am selling to anyone on earth with an internet connection.  You do the math.

Be productive.  Remember this rule: most people will do nothing.  Most people complain, are lazy, or wait for the perfect moment. 

That moment is now.  Get started.

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