Friday, April 17, 2020

COVID-19: NYC SJW Cancer Edition

New York City seems to be the epicenter of the way overblown Novel Coronavirus Era.  As I've noted here before, the lethal combination of Social Justice Warrior ethos, faith in government, and imbecilic rulers has created a toxic stew.  How much will it take before you pay attention?

This is the NYC Health Commissioner.  Her focus is on Social Justice, Racism, and Inequality.  These are the real threats according to her, even in the face of ... The Novel Coronavirus.

From Sultan Knish:

"As the coronavirus bore down on New York City, Barbot and the Health Department were busy operationalizing social justice while remaining oblivious to the scientific realities of the pandemic. The department’s focus on health equity required it to discourage recent arrivals from Wuhan from going into self-quarantine or avoiding large public gatherings like the Lunar New Year celebrations.

“We are very clear: We wish New Yorkers a Happy Lunar New Year and we encourage people to spend time with their families and go about their celebration,” Barbot insisted.


A week later, Barbot appeared at a press event promoting Lunar New Year celebrations in Chinatown.

"As we gear up to celebrate the #LunarNewYear in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of #coronavirus," she insisted."

Imagine if everybody's favorite Donald Trump had tweeted that out in late February.  What would the Corporate Press be talking about incessantly?  Why do you think you've never heard of this until I put it in front of you.

Here's how the NYC Health Commissioner ended her tweet storm: 

"As we confront this emerging outbreak, we need to separate facts from fear, and guard against stigma and panic," Commissioner Barbot signed off: warning that the real enemy was prejudice."

At some point, you will look at these people as the incompetent hacks they are.  The Herd will never stop listening and paying attention to them.  The Herd needs a Rancher.  You don't.

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