Sunday, March 29, 2020

The COVID-19 Mask Slips: Richard Branson Edition

I saw this on Vox Day's site, and it's exactly what I've been telling students for the past 15 years:

The multimillionaires who constantly scream at you "how dare you!" are always clowning on you - laughing at your gullibility and herd-like behavior.

Richard Branson, the Virgin Airways guy, is one of these people.

How do we know this?  Apparently, during this Novel Coronavirus time, people's true colors have come out:

Branson is one of these guys who is always howling about "climate change" and how you need to do more, give up more of your money via a carbon tax, be more afraid, and feel more despair.  This from a guy who sends jet airplanes around the world, the most carbon dumping / polluting machines in the industry.

Here's the best part. Nassim Nicholas Taleb is loudly and very publicly calling him out on his rank hypocrisy:

"However, the author reserved his most scathing analysis for Branson, whom he dubbed a “tax refugee” who “walks around virtue-faking with [the] TED [and] Davos crowd.”

He lives in the British Virgin Islands and since the UK has no worldwide taxation, [he] pays no taxes. Yet wants the UK taxpayer's backstop,” Taleb said, in a blistering tweet.

Let him go bust. Planes will fly with new owners!"

Taleb is right.  Here's a guy, multimillionaire Branson, who lives where he won't get taxed, wants to raise taxes on you because the earth is getting hotter, and he isn't paying his employees because COVID-19 has decimated his airline business.

He cares so deeply about the planet .... about the climate .... about people.  Yeah right.  Maybe from this day forward, when one of these people berates you and wants you to pay more for everything because the earth's temperature might rise a degree and a half in the next 100 years, you will ignore him.

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