Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 and Trump Derangement Syndrome

I wonder sometimes if our Rulers, the beautiful Cloud People, realize that the internet is available to us, the Proles.

Let's look at this right now.
This article is from Mid February, and not only is the U. of Minnesota professor mentioned in the article angry at the 'emotional or political' reaction by Trump, the World Health Organization was explaining to the world that anything speaking badly about the Chinese Flu or limiting travel (Trump) was 'racist'.  Then, an Italian Mayor, on the advice of the WHO, thought that this would be a good idea, because woke:

Lastly, the NY Times, on the front page, the other day, continued the pretense of being a newspaper.  Look at the headline of the lower left:

So do you see how this works?  Limiting travel and pinning the Novel Coronavirus on the Chinese is racist and bad.  Then, 5 weeks later, when the news is different, then the 'unfilled posts' within the Trump administration are 'bad' and we learn the common denominator for the "news" by these repellent organizations is what it has always been:

Orange Man Bad.

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