Friday, January 10, 2020

The Sea Change Continues

All you have to do is fight back.  Bullies will go after you forever unless you push back, and push back hard.

Remember this picture?

I do. It created a firestorm and Twitter went crazy, as did public figures, calling Nick Sandmann all sorts of vile names, the most common being 'racist'.  Because the Corporate Media's disgusting Narrative of Divide and Conquer, they released the dogs on this Catholic High School student.

Then he fought back.

CNN just settled with Sandmann.

It continues today:

Sandmann and his people are not going gently into that goodnight. Good for them.  The current iteration of 'progressive' tech and media companies are finally getting pushback.

I saw information on this story on SocialGalactic, a social media platform that isn't tolerant of SJW progressive stupidity.

Things are changing.  This is good.

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