Thursday, January 9, 2020

Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century

Ron Paul will be seen as a voice in the wilderness when the AI archeologists are sifting through the rubble of our age.  Dr. Paul gives you more truth in this short column than you'll get in the Washington Post or NY Times.  The Afghanistan Papers are out, and the entire operation is completely fraudulent:

"What we learned in what is rightly being called the “Pentagon Papers” of our time, is that hundreds of US Administration officials – including three US Presidents – knowingly lied to the American people about the Afghanistan war for years. This wasn’t just a matter of omitting some unflattering facts. This was about bald-faced lying about a war they knew was a disaster from almost day one."

Remember, Paul is the candidate that the Corporate Media ignored and smeared in his runs for president in 2008 and 2012.  Because he was actually anti-war, he was vilified and shunned.  When you think about this it's easy to see not only what our Overlords really care about, but also how disgusting they are.  A day doesn't go by when I'm not repulsed by what our media has become.

You would expect that people would be up in arms about this. Not so.  The rabble are easy to direct and control.  Back in those days I had a very active Facebook account (since deleted).  My FB contacts were calling him a 'racist', 'conspiracy theorist', and whatever else they were told to think.  Maybe the real problem is that the American Herd is so addled by HFCS and soy that they can't think anymore.

Paul's article his here.  I recommend it.  This 18 year long Afghanistan is one of the worst chapters in American History.  Even after the Afghanistan Papers came out, the media's headline was what it always is these days: "Orange Man Bad!"

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