Saturday, January 18, 2020

Newsletter from Room 227 - 2020 Vision

I realize that "2020 Vision" is played out and tired, but I couldn't resist. I promise not to use it again.

There were 3 things that I covered with students this year that are worth reinforcing.

1) People are guided by emotions. In my public speaking class, we learned that rhetoric, the art of using words to emotionally move people, is more effective than dialectic, the words that explain reason. I don't like it any more than you do, but it seems to be how we are made. All levels of HS students understand this, once it's shown to them.

2) People will conform. The Asch Conformity Experiments show that people will ignore evidence right in front of them and go with the group around 40% of the time - even when the evidence is obvious. The key to Asch's findings was that all it takes is one person to speak up, to go against the group, and opinions can be changed. Speaking out against injustice can work. It takes a little bravery though.

3) Do Your Job. On the scoreboard during the New England Patriot's football practice, the coach, Bill Belichick, has "Do Your Job" on the scoreboard. No stats. No quotes. No motivational sayings. "Do Your Job" is a mantra that is elegant in its simplicity. Too often we get caught up in drama, and it's usually because we're hyper about what someone else is (or isn't) doing. Teams can do well, and you as an individual can succeed if you do your job. Belichick's record speaks for itself. My theory is that social media gets us so blitzed about everyone else, we lose sight of ourselves and our job. I think I'm right.

These 3 things are going to be talked about and focused on during 2020. We have been having a great time in room 227. I don't think anyone is having more fun in class than we are!

Looking forward to another great year!

Douglas Marolla

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