Saturday, January 18, 2020

G. E. D. Report #41 - 2020 Vision

In this episode I am talking about 3 things that we have figured out at school. The seniors in particular have learned that people are governed by their emotions, not reason and evidence. That bothers many, and it bothers me too. We also have discussed in detail the importance of the Asch Conformity Experiments. People will follow the crowd around 40% of the time, even when it is obvious that the crowd is wrong. Imagine when there is any grey area? That's how you get The Madness of Crowds: Real Estate Bubble, Tulipmania, and the dot com bubble to name a few.

Lastly I talk about the mantra that Bill Belichick uses for leading the Patriots: "Do Your Job". As soon as you focus on what you're supposed to do, or what you need to do in order to live a life of abundance, then you'll be more successful. Stop worrying about everyone else. Stop focusing on other people or things and getting critical. Do your job, and do it well.

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