Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 Vision - Begin the Year With Truth

Sometimes the media actually prints the truth.  It's so rare, you have to catch it when it happens.  I wasn't planning on this being the first post of 2020, but it is one of those instances that demands attention.

One of my best 'mental hooks' as a teacher is the grounding philosophy of 'everything you've been taught is wrong'.  It works for me, students like it, and I provide evidence.

One of the Big Lies is that women want a nice guy.  This is totally false.  There is no evidence to prove this assertion.  They want a guy who is bad.  An exciting Bad Boy with a motorcycle, multiple other girlfriends, and a mean streak is the ideal guy for most of the women on earth.  You'll never hear this the real world, so when it is voiced and printed it needs to be noticed.

This article in the International Paper of Record, The Sun, explains the real philosophy that women hold:

Here's the key quote, one that every man should memorize, as it is the distillation of the way things really are:  "I married Mr Perfect anyway, but his ridiculous moral compass has come to be a bone of contention. Simply put, I’m bored of being married to a paragon of virtue."

The key word is 'bored'.  This poor guy is 'nice',doing it right, and his wife is 'bored'.  Fellas, every relationship book in the world won't serve you better than this one article.  Memorize it.

Happy New Year, and - you're welcome.

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