Sunday, December 29, 2019

Woke Takes Over

This 6,000 word article is the perfect take of the 'woke culture' taking over and destroying an institution.  Ethical Culture Fieldston School will set you back $650,000 if you send your child there from Kindergarten through 12th grade.  It was founded by Jewish people who were denied entry into the Elite schools of New York City's past.  It is an expensive, exclusive, and safe bubble school for the NYC liberal Elite.

As the school followed the Ethos of "Social Justice", the SJW cancer that destroys everything in its path began to erode the culture, tradition, and honorable record of the school.  The incident that has sparked outrage was when an invited speaker suggested that oppressed people can become the oppressors:

"The invited speaker was Kayum Ahmed, an employee of the Open Society Foundations and adjunct faculty member at Columbia University Law School.

Ahmed’s initial presentation at Fieldston went off without a hitch, according to multiple people who attended the talk. But then came the question and answer period. In a video of his response to a student’s query about South Africa, Ahmed explained his theory of patterns of trauma and oppression, and connected them to the experience of Jews during the Holocaust.

“Xenophobic attacks are a shameful part of South African history, but in some ways it reflects the fluidity between those who are victims becoming perpetrators,” Ahmed told the Fieldston students and faculty. “I use the same example in talking about the Holocaust. That Jews who suffered in the Holocaust and established the State of Israel today—they perpetuate violence against Palestinians that [is] unthinkable,” he opined."

The author of the article and the parents of the Jewish students at Ethical Culture are angry.  They feel that their oppressed past isn't taken as seriously as others': "Moreover, the Ahmed event was only the latest in a series of what a number of Jewish parents saw as problematic experiences for Jews at the school, which they said had been escalating since 2015. Each of these episodes, they claim, had been downplayed or ignored by school leadership—a reaction that those Jewish parents found particularly galling when compared to the attention given to similar incidents of bias against students of color, or other groups identifying by gender or ethnicity."

Notice the ubiquitous use of "problematic".  That's code for 'we don't like it but we can't say anything because it ruins The Narrative we expect others to live by'.

Nowhere in the article is there evidence of anyone speaking out against the school hitching itself to the Social Justice bandwagon.  The school administration, the parents, the Elite Liberal Class who attend the school are all for "Social Justice".  Even the speaker was an employee of the Open Society Foundation, a Soros outfit that promotes the destruction of national borders and culture, particularly those of the Christian West.  The lack of awareness and instrospection by the people in charge and the parents is astounding.  The irony is rich, although seemingly not to the people involved.

When being a victim is considered the coin of the Realm, and you're afraid to excise SJW's from your operation, your organization is doomed.  This is the Elite Private School version of Vox Day's Corporate Cancer.

Ethical Culture Fieldston is finished.  Only the price tag and exclusivity will keep it on life support.

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