Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Wisdom in 2 Paragraphs

ZMAN concisely shows the absurdity of those who Rule Over Us:

"One of the puzzles to the impeachment stuff is why certain elements of the ruling class think this is a productive use of their time. The impeachment show put on by the Democrats last week struck most people as boring and weird. It was mostly a parade of people with funny sounding names babbling about inside baseball. There’s also the fact that the guy appointed to be the master of ceremonies gives people the creeps. Adam Schiff looks like frog peeping through the ice. He is a very odd man.

The bigger issue is no one seems to know what the crime is at the heart of this alleged scandal. We live in an age where the President bombs countries, overthrows governments and sends troops onto foreign soil whenever he likes. Demanding information in exchange for cash hardly seems important. The claim by the outrage mob is that it would have been perfectly fine for Trump to bomb Kiev or overthrow the government, but he crossed the line demanding they investigate criminality.

And there you have it. Bombs, air raids, death, overthrow and destruction are ok. An innocuous phone call is grounds for impeachment. We are truly in Clown World. The Fake America we're in has become a farce.

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