Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lind and Van Creveld Provide a 4GW Warning

4GW means "4th Generation Warfare.  As These United States bicker and fight, egged on by our clueless Overlords, the 4th Generation Warfare concepts and strategies come into play.  This will not be your History Channel type of conflict.  Van Creveld is not an intellectual lightweight.  He is a spectacular historian and strategist.

The Ruling Class in the Washington DC bubble are not only out of touch, they have contempt for the Regular People.  Anyone reading this, regardless of your beliefs, is seen as cattle to our rulers.  It's that bad.  The Trump Impeachment Circus is the Ruling Class playing with fire, and Lind correctly surmises that they have no idea what they're playing with.

The article is here, and I recommend it as a Red Pill, or a Black Pill - depends upon your current mindset.

The article ends with this:

"That electoral map, the one that shows the results of the 2016 election by county, has significant military meaning. The blue votes are concentrated in cities, which cannot feed themselves. As Chairman Mao said, “Take the countryside and the cities will fall.” Nor can they be supplied from the sea, because most of the people in the military are Trump supporters, which means the red side will get most of the ships and planes. The military problem is really quite simple, and need involve virtually no shooting or destruction. You just put the cities under siege and wait for the starving people to come out. It won’t take long.

The message to Washington is clear and direct: if President Trump is driven from office by anything other than a loss in the 2020 election (if he runs), the legitimacy of the state will be brought into question. That is a dangerous business that politicians of both parties would be wise to avoid. After all, they will be the first people hanged from the nearest lamppost if widespread 4GW comes here. An impeachment that leads to the checkpoints going up all over rural America is a very bad idea."

The Electoral Map referred to is below.  Look at it and think about Trump getting impeached.  It won't be pretty.

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