Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What 'Up 1400%' Looks Like

I did a post and an email about the restored 1918 Junior Classics the other week.  There  were some people who didn't understand what I was talking about.  One woman even unsubscribed from my email list in frustration.  "I don't understand why I'm getting these emails and I don't understand what they're about."  That's a direct quote from a mother of one of my students who not only volunteered to get put on the email list, but wrote her address personally by hand.

But I digress.

What I am trying to tell those of you who see what is happening, is that there is a backlash against the Great Dumbing Down of American schoolchildren.  This fundraiser for Colliers Junior Classics wanted to raise $28,000.  It has reached almost $400,000 and there are 3 days to go.

This set of books replaces the difficult to read and pro-western culture pieces that were taken out beginning in the post WWII era. Why and who took them out is the subject of a huge discussion, with many books to read - on your part.  The two best books on this are John Taylor Gatto's The Underground History of American Education and The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty.  Gatto's book changed everything for me.

You can skip the history lessons and get yourself and your children up to speed not only by getting exam and English Literacy prep at my site, but also by reading the literature that forged the rigid, monumental, and airtight intellects of the past.

I don't make money from this fundraiser - I'm a contributor.  I find these events amazing as we've been told so many nonsensical things about the education and school in the past it isn't even funny.  It's good to see the Dirt People (that's us) rise up again and feed ourselves a hearty meal of intellectual nutrition.

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