Tuesday, November 12, 2019

G. E. D. Report #36 - Bad People Don't do Good Things - Corporate Media Edition

G. E. D. Report #36 - Bad People Don't do Good Things - Corporate Media Edition

The Epstein Affair may never be closed. However, it's good to see how your Corporate Media Overlords behave. Because Project Veritas exposed ABC news as a completely fraudulent organization, useful knowledge is right in front of you. The Corporate Media was willing to protect power, in this case a man who ran point for a young woman molestation ring, to the point of burying a story that fell into their lap. 

The reaction to watch (as it is the reaction that is always more valuable), is that ABC and CBS teamed up to find the whistleblower and get that person fired. Think about that. Ms. Robach was told her story lacked credibility and importance, and ABC did nothing. When their bad behavior was exposed, all of a sudden they want to do due diligence and root out a whistleblower. Suddenly they want to ... be journalists and put in work. Unbelievable. Bad people don't do good things. They'll do bad things all the time, and Corporate Media has been completely exposed. 

If you follow any corporate media source, or take them seriously - you're idiotic and naive.

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