Saturday, August 6, 2022

Why NO ONE CARES About Britney Griner

One might expect the Griner Saga to get more press.  You have a WNBA black gay woman, tattooed, in prison in a Russian jail for cannibis vape paraphernalia.

This checks all the Corporate Media check boxes. Should be a big story.

Jason Whitlock has dedicated some time to the saga.  Ethan Strauss just wrote a good column on his Substack (I'm a paid subscriber and I recommend it) about why people are repelled by the very figures who purport to defend Griner:

Strauss' whole article is really good. He pulls some punches, but he correctly destroys LeBron James and his cloddish and Woke addled response to the Griner situation:

In every venue except playing baskeball, James is exceedingly limited. His problem is that he's so popular and wealthy that no one will tell him.  But that's another topic.

This was my comment on Strauss' article:

"No one cares because once they look into it and see the kneeling, the hate America because it's all racist all the time, the 'you will grovel before me and my LBGTQAI+ status, they stop caring.

If America is a racist homophobic hellhole, then why would you want to come back? Qing James, in his low Lexile score manner, said just as much. I have to quietly admire his rigid consistency and airtight logic.

Another factor: no one watches the WNBA because no one cares about it. It was forced on us in the mid 1990's and it would be PR and political suicide to let it die a natural death, like the ABL. The NY franchise, originally touted as the Flagship Franchise of the WNBA, plays in the Westchester County Center, home to HS graduations and Knicks G league games.

The reaction by her proponents simply augments the 'who cares' attitude. I thought she was in transit, and made an innocent goof. I had some sympathy. Then I learned she's banking big Russian money playing basketball in RUSSIA. Wait a minute. Why isn't she a Pawn of Putin? Anyone even hinting on social media that American involvement in that regional conflict was wrong, or that the Victoria Nuland engineered 2014 coup precipitated the obvious Putin invasion was seen as a 'Putin Puppet'. Why is she exempt? This goes beyond a double standard.

I think you catch my drift. To steal a line from Freddie deBoer, with whom you had a spectacular discussion (with J. Singal), these people want to play politics on Easy Mode, and now that things turn out to be, IRL, really hard, they reach into the failed bag of social justice woke online, social justice woke style guilt tripping, whipsawing anyone not on board with The Current Thing - BG edition.

That stopped working with strong people a long time ago. Its currency is fleeting with the Normies as we speak.

We should care 'because we're all humans?' I don't think so. Remember, we were screamed at, not too long ago, at an oddly and mysteriously maskless rally in Summer 2020 that "No lives matter until black trans lives matter".

Griner doesn't fall into that category. She's close, but not quite.

Hey - they made the rules. They made the bed. Now sleep in it."


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