Sunday, August 14, 2022

Limits to OIL: The Most IMPORTANT Article You Didn't Read

This article should have been on the front page of every newspaper, and the lead headline on every website:


For years, everyone assumed that if the world needed more oil, the Saudis could just pump more and fill the gap.

That looks like a bygone era.

The idea that the Saudis were sitting on a ton of 'spare capacity' was one of the beliefs that backstopped the faith of "we will never run out of supply".

Additionally, the people at Bison Interests and Nine Point partners have been talking about the Myth of Saudi Arabia's Spare Capacity for at least 18 months.  

They were, of course, called "conspiracy theorists".  They're not called that anymore.

Saudi Arabia has set a hard limit on what it will pump.  This is unprecedented.  Why they're announcing it now is anybody's guess, but Javier Blas, a reliable and fearless source within The Machine, spells it out (emphasis mine):

"If the obstacle to boosting production is geology, rather than pessimism about future oil demand, the world faces a rocky period if consumption turns to be stronger than currently expected. For now, Saudi peak production is a relatively distant matter, at least five years away. More urgent is whether Riyadh would be able to sustain its current output of 11 million — something it has achieved only twice in its history, and then only briefly — let alone increase it further. But that ceiling will matter towards the end of the decade, and perhaps even earlier.

Despite widespread talk about peak oil demand, the truth is that, for now at least, consumption keeps growing. The world relies heavily on three nations for crude: the US, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Together, they account for nearly 45% of global total oil supply. With US investors unwilling to finance a return to the days of “drill, baby, drill” at home, American output growth is now slower than it was in the 2010s. Russia faces an even darker outlook as the impact of Western sanctions not only curb current supply, but also hinder its ability to expand in the future."

You and your children will be using oil for the rest of your lives.  The demand for oil is increasing. The ESG scam is slowly fraying around the edges, and we are going to see if Europe, particularly Germany, is willing to go without power and heat during the winter.  People will put on sweaters or take shorter showers as they're being commanded, but no power means you can't charge your iPhone and go on Social Media.  Temperature is one thing, but when people can't watch Saucy Santana twerk (don't look, whatever you do) on Instagram, all hell will break loose.

I warned you not to do that.

The BRICSIA countries are ignoring the clownishness of the West.  ESG, Global Warming, Climate Change, Greta, Gender assigned at Birth, Grievance Studies majors in 'college' - that's a joke to the larger part of the world.  

The BRICSIA countries are going to advance economically using fossil fuels, just like the countries in the West did.  China, India and Brazil pay lip service to 'climate change' as they are smart enough to appease the market, but in practice they are not joining the NATO contingent and participating in National Seppuku.  Memorize the list:

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa
  • Iran
  • Argentina

Algeria is applying for BRICSIA membership.  What does Algeria have? 12 billion barrels of oil in reserve.  That's almost 80 times what it consumes nationally.  You do the math.

As the west is being dragged into Emerging Economy status (see: California), the global outlook is changing.  Not everyone see this, but some do.  I suggest you pay attention:


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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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