Thursday, July 7, 2022

Professor With GUARANTEED Money LEAVES

The SJW Woke converged UCLA lost another professor the other day, and the article about it is telling:

Prof. Manson is leaving a guaranteed, cannot be fired, tenured professorship at UCLA because the Woke Mob has gone after his colleague, Jeff Brantingham.

In the article, which I recommend, you will see how sending your child to a place like UCLA is effectively worthless.  Academic freedom is gone.  The pressure to grovel and say obviously untrue things about sex and gender is rampant.  People there say stupid and nonsensical things like "Latinx", even though no one except the campus crazies ever use that term.

In effect, the fear of being called a name has ruined a once proud institution like UCLA.  Here is the key section - emphasis mine:

"Not only was Jeff ostracized, he was effectively erased. None of the faculty talked about him, if they could possibly avoid it. Meanwhile, our department chair opened most faculty meetings by solemnly intoning that our department was a community, a family, and that “we’re here for each other.” In private conversations, I was able to elicit from some of my colleagues an embarrassed acknowledgment that the woke faction had treated Jeff abominably, and that we strongly resembled a dysfunctional family in denial. This pervasive institutional doublethink was partly a result of Jeff’s own apparent decision to refrain from open confrontation: I offered to help him, by defending him publicly if he wished, after both the 2018 resolution and the 2020 flyers. He thanked me, but politely asked me to stay out of it.

The principal driver of the doublethink in my department and so many others at UCLA is fear of the woke faction.

Signs of this fear are omnipresent. Discussing whether to stop requiring the GRE (a standardized test, like the SAT) from applicants to our Ph.D. program, one colleague told a meeting of the biological anthropology subfield that he regarded the GRE as the most informative part of an applicant’s dossier, but that we had no choice but to vote to stop requiring it. Why? Because otherwise we would be regarded as racists. (I was the only person to vote against dropping the GRE requirement).

Asking a question following a public talk, a colleague conspicuously used the word “Latinx” even though the speaker had described both herself and her research subjects as “Latinas” and even though he himself, in a previous private conversation, had mockingly referred to the opinion polls showing that only a small minority of Hispanic Americans prefer to be called “Latinx.”"

"Because otherwise we would be regarded as racists."

This is the key to this whole exercise.  Academia is finished, because when you are afraid to be called a bad name, afraid to post non-woke articles on FBook, afraid to stand by your principles, then the institution in which you teach is gone.  You'll see in the article that they have already infiltrated the Biology classes with the teachings that sex and gender are 'social constructs', not to be talked about as biological reality.

Perhaps anyone who dissents from 'genderfluidity' (in the science department!) will be branded a 'transphobe'.  If that's all it takes to get you to bend the knee, then they'll continue to do it.  The cancer that's metastasized and ruined the institution is terminal.  You had to get to it early.

Here's how much it costs for this brand of mental degeneration.  This is what you pay to have this garbage blasted into your child's head:

Ironically, in the Bad Neighborhood where I work, very few people are afraid. To walk the halls of the HS where I work and say things like 'Latinx' or 'men can get pregnant' is to get laughed at mercilessly, first by students, then faculty.  There is a rough brand of truth spoken, and it is refreshing and glorious.

That free thought and Truth can be spoken unerringly in the violent rough district, and not at a university that used to be regarded as the flagship for a publicly funded college education, is amazing.

At this stage, avoid the mainstream universities, and use the alternatives.  And don't be afraid of being  called a racist.  Once you show you're not afraid, they go to the next weak target.  Don't fall for the enticing Cyclops' bargain of "getting eaten last" - that's a dead end.  You're finished. The Monster will consume you.


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