Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4th, 2022

There are many disparate thoughts emerging this July 4th - not exclusively from me. I find this noteworthy, because as recently as 10 years ago, you'd have heard basically the same message from all fronts. It's just how things were done.

Not anymore.

Royce White sees it:

Tom Woods' email today tries to teach what July 4th is about:

Notice that Woods is dealing with students and Elite at Columbia University, supposedly a 'top school'.  The Columbias and NYUs of the world are a complete waste of time and money.

Paul Fahrenheidt posted 2 days ago about the Second Civil War.  I'm afraid I agree with his article:

As someone living in a blue state and in a blue city, it becomes easy to understand why these kinds of thoughts prevail instead of the usual flag waving history driven messaging of the past:

Notice a few things.  When things like Obamacare, the PATRIOT ACT, and $40 billion to Ukraine are passed, it's the "supremacy clause" at work, and anyone mentioning states rights is an unrepentant bigot racist.

Now, the states rights / 10th amendment part of the equation is called upon, and the clear decision of the Supreme Court is cause for an end run by the State legislature who doesn't like the decision.

See how this works?  See what I mean?

It's complete hypocrisy, and you're supposed to drink it down with a smile, all the while ignoring the fact that NY is the state that had the Buffalo shooting - with all the gun control you can imagine - and the headline above Gov. Karen's face is talking about a broad daylight shooting in ... NYC.

But there must be more gun control.  Because reasons.  OK.  

Happy 4th.


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