Friday, July 29, 2022

BUG19 Juice FAIL: Big Gov Edition

I could probably post one of these kinds of posts daily for the next 5-10 years.  So far we are seeing the following, and I'm typing off the top of my head here:
  • Soccer players in their 20's dropping dead.
  • Birth rates down.
  • Fertility down.
  • Death rates up recorded in Germany, Switzerland and other EU countries.
  • Insurance companies reporting unnaturally high death rates.
  • "Suddenly" becoming a cause of death.
  • Big Science and Big Media ignoring all of the above (the reaction - nonreaction? - we must look at).
By remembering things that happened more than 2 weeks ago, we can see the statements and behaviors of our "leaders" as nothing more than cash and power grabs.  Why anyone listens to Corporate Media and Big Gov't is a mystery at this point:

Dr. Deborah Birx's statement is particularly galling.  Biden is not much more of a lifeless husk, so he gets a pass. Even when he was at the top of his game he was an intellectually stunted available to the highest bidder credit card Big Bank stooge.

Birx is a different story.  She and her husband are deep state swamp creatures, and have been since the Carter administration.  Deborah has been in the game and is a main cog in the Fauci Medical Vax Get Paid Industrial Complex.  Here is the expert voice from the Coronavirus Task Force.

"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection".

That's an incredible statement.  It's also from a doctor 'following the SCIENCE!'.

These are the same people who pushed masks, social distancing, closing everything, and peddled fear.  The carnage is only beginning.  I've seen it already at the High School level, and I'm a nobody in the invisible and forgotten black neighborhood.

The post vaxx world is going to be interesting. At some point, enough Normies from the regular neighborhood are going to get wind of what's been done to them.  You'll never get through to the True Believers, but some of the rest will eventually get angry.

It might not be Sri Lanka level rage, but there will be a backlash.


Here's how you can help me out during The Current Year:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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