Thursday, June 23, 2022

10th Grade Black Girl DEAD: No Protest, No BLM, No GRIFT

There is some synchronicity at work here, as I came across this yesterday:

Mr. Kriegman was a data analyst in Corporate Media, at Reuters, and he did what many well meaning people and statisticians have done: he analyzed the data regarding the BLM Narrative.  Unsurprisingly, he found out that it is all false, there is no rash of police killing black people, and the whole BLM movement is a Trojan horse for many things, none of which is helpful to the black community, and none of which quell violence of any kind within the black neighborhood.

I could have told him that in a 2 minute phone call.

Kriegman got fired for his troubles, and his story has a few key elements to it.  I recommend reading the whole thing, as it will let you know what you are up against when it comes to the current species of smug upper class white progressive lawn sign liberal.

Mr. Kriegman was careful with his analysis, doing all the appropriate things in his quest for the truth.  The truth is that there is no issue at all when it comes to policing, and, not only that, the Narrative has led to an inordinate amount of black people getting killed.

"In 2020, 18 unarmed black Americans were killed by police, according to the Washington Post database."

Re-read that sentence.

As I've explained to you before, it is the reaction to things that you must pay attention to.  Saul Alinsky taught me that in my leftist day, and he was right.

Kriegman posted his findings in his workplace message board. Notice my highlighting, because this is the key part of the story:

Notice the wealthy white lawn sign liberal in the wild.  Kriegman knows that he's in dangerous territory, but he naively thought that facts would win the day, and people would see that the shadows in the cave are only that - shadows and nothing else.  He was wrong.

He also committed a final sin:

"To drive home my point, I included this striking statistic: On an average year, 18 unarmed black people and 26 unarmed white people are shot by police. By contrast, roughly 10,000 black people are murdered annually by criminals in their own neighborhoods."

He's right about everything of course.  What you need to realize is that the violence levels have spiked in the black neighborhood.  For the first time in 25 years, shots were fired outside my room window.  This happened in February.  On April 8th, two young black women, students where I work, were stabbed - one to death.  Kayla Green was in 10th grade.  She was a cheerleader.  She was killed by another student, and bled out onto the sidewalk in broad daylight.  There were no wypipo or police involved in the killing.

This was the entrance to our cafeteria for the past few months.  You can see how Kayla looked when she was alive:

Kriegman's story dovetails with this because it exposes the Corporate Media, the SJW, the White Lawn Sign Liberal, and how they are all despicable.  Stop thinking they care about you, about race, about POC's - they care about being in control and being part of the 'in crowd'.  Kayla Green is dead.  There will be no protests, no grift, no nothing.  BLM is nowhere to be found.  But the lawn sigh shitlib can continue to walk around with that smug attitude and smile on its face because they got rid of a truth teller, and the Kayla Greens of the world don't matter.  Only their image and status matter.

If someone gets fired or killed, so be it.  At least they have a lawn sign that shows they 'care'.  Hashtag BLM - right?

You've never heard of Kayla Green.  Now you know why.


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