Friday, April 1, 2022

The NWO Takes the L

The cracks in the Globalist Rules Based Neoliberal Order (or whatever the current nomenclature is) keep widening and increasing.

Here's one of the biggest shifts, courtesy of Irina Slav, a great writer on the energy markets:

The International Energy Agency is one of these globalist outfits, along with the World Economic Forum, Bank of Int'l Settlements, the UN, who are the ones who we are supposed to look toward for the 'right' information, and in the IEA's case, about energy.

The IEA has, every year except 2020, underestimated the demand for hydrocarbons, particularly oil.  They are always telling us that because of the so called 'green' agenda, the need for oil will subside.

It's almost as if they think if they say it enough, it will come true.

Eventually, reality intervenes.  We are seeing that now.

"Then came the COP26 conference where large oil and gas consumers raced to outcommit each other on emission reductions. Biden’s SPR oil releases started and failed to make a lasting difference in petrol prices. Then Russia invaded the Ukraine and the West started pouring sanctions on Moscow. The oil-producing part of the East, meanwhile, kept quiet and distanced itself from outright public condemnations.

And then, after the latest series of calls for more oil, it appeared that OPEC had had enough.

"I think in COP 26 all the producers felt they were uninvited and unwanted but now we are again superheroes, it’s not going to work like that," the UAE’s Al Mazrouei said earlier this week, as quoted by Reuters. He then went on to explain that OPEC+ needed to replace some 5 to 8 million barrels of oil production daily just to keep output at current levels.

Separately, speaking to CNBC, Al Mazrouei said it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain order on the oil market and boost production in line with demand.

“For that to happen, we need resources – financial resources – we need to invest and we need to decouple politics from energy availability and energy affordability,” he said."

Here's what happened.  For years, you had everyone demonizing oil and gas.  The Corporate Press, Social Media, and the NPC's (see previous post), were howling about 'clean energy', the 'green' agenda, 'zero emissions', and 'divestment' in the energy sector.  The NY State Teacher's Retirement System made a big show of divesting from oil and gas companies.

Fast forward to today.  Demand for energy is raging.  The COP26 rhetoric is meaningless and forgotten. The EU needs energy - badly.  As demand rises, supply has been curtailed because of the lack of investment.  In other words, the energy sector has been starved of capital, unable to explore or drill, and been told that its product is obsolete.

I'll let you in on a little secret. You will be using oil for the rest of your life.  So will your children. 

Now that prices are skyrocketing, the same people who demonized hydrocarbons have shown up, angry that the supply is low, and prices are high.

OPEC + has simply said we're not taking it anymore.  They started this week by jettisoning the IEA as a source of anything.  They don't even want it to count barrels, or project demand.

Neither China, India, Iran or Russia are on board with the Laptop Class' obsession with renewables.  They are all building more capacity for Oil, Gas, and Nuclear.  They don't care what the weirdos on Twitter have to say.  The irony is that Twitter won't work without electricity.

The battery powered cars, and green energy clownishness not only won't work, it can't work.  Renewables don't produce enough power, and never can.

Every time you think batteries and a 'green' world, think of this image:

The NWO keeps taking losses.  This is a great thing.


Bison Interests just recorded a webinar on The State of the Oil Market.  Put it under the heading of "Reality Therapy".

Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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