Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Likes and DEATH

I had a student, this was probably around 2011, tell me: "Mister, it's all about the likes".  I thought it was a funny comment at the time, the musings of a teenager who had caught the temporary zeitgeist.  Surely the idea of getting 'likes' would fade as an ephemeral digital phase that would soon be replaced by the next thing.


The quest for likes, upvotes, and other forms of digital affirmation has metastasized into a kind of mania.  I used to see it on FBook, where people would say or do the dumbest things, and get zillions of likes.  One of the dumbest was the 'ice bucket challenge', where people would dump an ice bucket over their heads in solidarity over raising money for ALS awareness.  How about just donating money?  When Bill Gates is leading the way 'raising awareness', any room temperature or above American should have sat up and questioned the whole thing.  I wonder which Big Pharma drugmaker won out with all of that Ice Bucket money?

See what I mean? All anyone had to do was think a little bit and ask a few questions.

But no, when people filmed themselves getting doused by an ice bucket, you got "stunning and brave!", positive comments, and tons of likes.  

It has never stopped.  If you're on social media, and you push whatever the latest Progressive Feelz based fad happens to be in play, you get likes, comments, and good dopamine feelz.  This unrelenting and thoughtless sociology experiment has gotten to the point where people are getting hurt.  Owen Benjamin got booted off of twitter for, among other things, calling out some NPR dolt for bragging that his 5yr old son was 'trans', and crowing about how he was going to get hormone treatments for his son - soon to be daughter.  Benjamin rightly called it child abuse. The normies called it 'stunning and brave', and hit 'like'.

Paul Joseph Watson goes into the latest iteration of this brain disease - the phenomenon of foreigners going to Ukraine to fight for democracy.  Yes, there are people who are so addled by social media that they go into a hot war so they can post it on their feeds.  Because these 'people' are so divorced from reality, they are shocked that they are treated shabbily, unwelcome, hurt, or killed.

PJW says it better than I do.  It's unbelievable:

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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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