Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Chris Hedges CENSORED

One of the best features of Matt Taibbi's substack is he gives notice when someone's work is 'disappeared'.  He also interviews the person on his platform.  

I was wondering what had happened to Chris Hedges.  An anti-war, left leaning voice against organized power, Hedges' circuitous career proves that the idea of a "liberal" media is simply not true.  

After being let go by The NY Times and TruthDig, Hedges just had 6 years of videos on YouTube vaporized:

Because Russia!! is the new bogeyman, Hedges' work at RT was deemed unfit for human eyes, so the liberal arts majors in Big Tech unilaterally decided to censor Hedges.  He writes and speaks too clearly about those at the top of the Pyramid:

"In the end, of course, Russia pulled the trigger, and they’re guilty, but they were baited to a degree. But you can’t even say that within this media landscape, even though that’s a historical fact. That’s not an opinion. But it doesn’t fit with the kind of euphoria.

After 20 years of committing egregious war crimes all over the Middle East, we’ve suddenly anointed ourselves once again as the saviors of the world, and we love it. And a lot of it has nothing to do with Ukraine, but about our own self-adulation. This is the difference, as Chomsky and Herman write about, between worthy and unworthy victims. So Yemenis are not worthy victims, Palestinians are not worthy victims, Iraqis are not worthy victims. But Ukrainians — and it helps that they’re white — are worthy victims. They’re worthy of our compassion and our support. It’s just another way to mask our own war crimes. What we did in the Middle East — I believe Shock and Awe alone far outstrips anything Putin’s done, though that may change.

What does the U.S. want? Well, the U.S. is quite clear. It wants another Chechnya. It wants another old Afghanistan, where Brzeziński baited the Russians into Afghanistan, by significantly arming those forces that would become the Taliban. And then he was quite proud of it, and argued that the defeat of the Soviet army in Afghanistan led to the collapse of Eastern Europe. And that’s what they want. They want, in their cynical parlance, to make Russia bleed. But of course, the irony of this is the people who will really bleed are the Ukrainians. That’s what’s happening."

This is exactly right.  Boobus Americanus has suddenly become concerned about a country invading another country.  Millions of people are 'standing with Ukraine', even though they have no idea what is going on.  Hedges simply calls out Big Media and Big Government on their double standards and malfeasance.  This is what reporters are supposed to do, and used to do with some regularity.

Because Hedges sees the forest from the trees, he had to go.  

Now Chris Hedges is on substack.  Hopefully the platform will survive.

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