Monday, February 7, 2022

Who has GAS?

Doomberg has been writing fantastic posts on his substack.  I am a subscriber and I recommend it highly.

In "Contortion Nation", Doomberg goes into great detail what has happened to the Mountain Valley Pipeline project - a natural gas pipeline in Appalachia:

"Now for the crazy part.

Just days before the event at the White House, US domestic natural gas producers were dealt yet another senseless gut punch when a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit revoked two federally approved permits to complete the critically important Mountain Valley Pipeline project, which is already 94% constructed

Naturally, this will make things more difficult for the energy industry, businesses, and regular people here in the USA.  That's the obvious part.

Doomberg ends with this:

"We wish we could close this piece on an uplifting note but are instead exhausted from unfurling the contortions of our political establishment. What’s clear is that we are an unserious people in a do loop of unproductive contradictions rapidly hurling towards parts unknown."

It was the 'unserious' part of this that I took issue with.  I think they're very serious, and I responded with this:

They aren't "unserious" at all. They're very serious. Serious about destroying one of the few reasonably strong nations in the world. Anything to cut America off at the knees will do. This is just one small example. They took over the money supply via the FED (The Creature from Jekyll Island), they got the State Dept after WWII (The Iron Curtain Over America), they destroyed Public School by the 1960's (The Underground History of American Education), and all of these are part of a project to institute ... whatever they're calling it these days.

In the old days it was the NWO. I guess it's "The Great Reset" or "Build Back Better" or some nonsense.

If it hurts America, then it's all good. They aren't stupid, and they're quite happy that Boobus Americanus refuses to accept the fact that people will work together to further their own ends. After all, that's a conspiracy! and everyone in America, while pounding that Budweiser, knows that those things never happen.

The worst thing you can buy into is the stupid saying perpetuated for decades on Conservative Inc. talk radio: never attribute to malice what can be chalked up to stupidity.

If they're so 'stupid' (or unserious), why is it they always win?


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I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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