Sunday, February 13, 2022


Matt Taibbi has made a great connection between gov't policy 15 years ago and today.

Taibbi matches the Iraq War debacle era of 'not talking to Muslim terrorists' to today's gov't media complex strategy of 'not talking to protestors'.

Taibbi's connection is a good one, as if They were to actually talk to the people in the convoy, the image they're trying to portray would collapse.

It's a good article distilling the repellent Corporate Media's insufferable strategy to paint anyone they don't like as a conspiracy theorist QANON Trump alt wacko.

My comment was this:

"The Masters of the Universe are telling me that children as young as 5, soon to be as young as 6 months, should get an mRna "vaccine" to stop a virus to which there is no danger to them.

They also told me that protesting in huge groups agains 'racism' during the pandemic's height, no vaxx available, unmasked, was OK - and as soon as that was done it was back inside with a mask. Almost as if the virus knew that if you were yelling maskless in a group for a Progressive cause, it was to back off.

They told me that protests should be by nature 'uncomfortable', perhaps violent, as the discomfort is part of affecting change. When did that change? Is discomfort different when it's a cause one at the Top of the Pyramid doesn't like?

Now, I'm in NYC, and I have to show paperwork against a virus that's no danger to me, for a vaxx I don't want, in order to go to my favorite latin bistro down the street.

It's obvious they want this new order, and when they have the cloddish and overweight midwits of the world like Brian Stelter telling me that I'm the problem, and the convoy is the problem ... well ... that means less than nothing to me."

I get that the Prometheans have their inversion of the Truth baked into the cake.  You can only do this nonsense so long before even the Normies begin to notice.  From the looks of the Trucker Convoy, even with all of its flaws, the rabble sees the double standard the foppish Elites want to ram down everyone's throat.


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