Wednesday, January 26, 2022

This is ONE Reason Why People Say NO to the JUICE

Here's the headline:


Here's the best part:

"While Csollany had, according to the publication, expressed anti-vaccination views on social media, the six-time World Championship medallist had been vaccinated to allow him to continue to work as a gymnastics coach."

So wait.  He did get the BUGJUICE.  So what happened?

"However, he contracted the virus soon after receiving his jab, Blikk suggested, and had thus not built sufficient levels of antibodies."

So that's how it works.  I didn't know that. So Blikk 'suggested' that he got BUG19 right after getting the Juice, unconfirmed and not a medical opinion, and that's why this 'anti-vax gymnast', who got the vax, former olympic gold medalist, died at age 51.

Notice the "Anti-vax"!! screaming headline.  What this means is that this "news" outlet is simply a Keeper of The Narrative.  Nothing more, nothing less.

To top it off, they had the poor guy on a ventilator - Cuomo style.  That's practically a death sentence.  I wonder if the hospitals there have the same monetary incentive there that they do here to label it a 'BUG19' death and use the ventilator?

This whole thing is a mess.  Do whatever the opposite the Corporate Media says.  Csollany was right to speak out against the Juice, and should have simply quit the coaching gig.  

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