Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Everyone is going NUCLEAR

 First Doomberg, now Quoth the Raven:

It's rare to get in early on a burgeoning movement, especially in the investing world, but this might be one of those times.

"This falls precisely in line with my argument that the practicality of nuclear would start to push it toward the front of the “Common Sense Solutions” list for countries looking to address climate change. As countries globally continue to move closer to deadlines they have set for themselves to address emissions, nuclear will look more and more like a viable option.

For example, Bloomberg writes: “Europe wants to become the world’s first continent to reach carbon neutrality by the middle of the century under the Green Deal, a sweeping overhaul that aims to accelerate pollution cuts in all areas from energy production to transport.”

The best way to be “first” is to consider all options. Nuclear, which has already been adopted in places like Poland, France and the Czech Republic as key to helping achieve net zero emissions, is likely climbing the list of “green” options for Europe, as well."

People are weirded out about Nuclear Energy for no reason.  Yes, I wrote "no reason".  This was my comment on QTR's great write up:

"Like everything else the Corporate Media and gov't touches, information on nuclear energy is shitty and wrong. All of the nuclear waste in the history of the USA fits in a room the size of two football fields, 30 feet high. The Swiss have all their nuclear waste in what we would classify as the size of a small college basketball gym. They have a lot of space to spare.

The number of people killed in the 3 Mile Island Meltdown! was zero.
Victims at Fukushima died of heart attacks trying to escape, drowning ... last time I checked there was some illness related to radiation, all minor, no deaths.
There are no reactors on earth with the design that Chernobyl's had.

In the 1970's nuclear was seen as being a godsend. It was labeled as a way to get electricity that would be "too cheap to meter". I think that was its problem. The White Shoe Boys, the Masters of the Universe who rule over us, simply can't let the proles have cheap, let alone free, energy. Tesla got taken out for this reason. The "left" usurped Greenpeace and went after nuclear energy big time. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, left his own org because the idiotic and insane left took it over.

When you look at what Nuclear is and what's happened in these Meltdowns! over the years, a thinking person realizes that something is up. Sound conspiratorial? When HAVEN'T the people at the top of the pyramid looked down on us as Proles? When have they ever looked out for regular people's health and welfare? How's that Roundup Ready GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup tasting right now?

Much of this info is from Justin Huhn, at Uranium Insider, and Kevin Bambrough, formerly at Sprott. I'm also old enough to remember all of these Meltdowns! and the insane level of fear porn plastered on the front pages of every Corporate Media Newspaper. I believed it all at the time.

Knowledge is power, this is correct, but then they feed us lies all the time

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