Tuesday, December 21, 2021

OPTIMUSPRIME Variant Strikes

Here we go again.

My district is back to 'virtual learning'.  "Virtual" being the operative word.  Despite the fact that the 'oh, c'mon' variant does nothing, the mouth breathing cattle who run the district have decided that we will be 'remote' until January 18th.  They've also warned us that it's possible we could be 'virtual' even longer. 

The dangerous stupidity in this public school system knows no bounds.  I work in an after school program where our older students go who have become disaffected and quickly need credits.  Ironically, an online program for them works great. They can work, manage their affairs, and log on when convenient and get assignments done.  We asked the big shots if we could get this program back online, and the answer was no - what happened to Anthony might happen if those students aren't in school.  Anthony was shot in the head and killed in May, on his doorstep, in broad daylight.  He wasn't at school.  This was the reasoning - one month ago.

So now, we are pulling ALL the students, K-12, out of school.

What happened?

The fear and worry porn of Ohmigod variant spread so fast that bureaucrats had to "act". The fact that no children are at risk is irrelevant. No matter that it is, at worst, a bad cold. That students in the Bad Neighborhood where I work get academically obliterated during 'remote' instruction is not an issue. That the specter of what happened to Anthony was an issue, and is no longer, isn't a concern. That 655 Americans under 18 have died of (or with) Stupid19, out of 73 million, is not even discussed.

Even the people in South Africa, where this variant began, are befuddled as to why anyone is making a big deal out of it.

My district is at the Apex Predator level when it comes to talking about "the Children (tm)".  They use "the children" to hide behind every bad educational idea known to man. 

Now, because of Corporate Media Worry Porn, and being in a Blue State, we will destroy more children, again, after nearly two years of the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gates's of the world weaponizing the Flu virus.

In a year or two, our intellectually, educationally, and socially bereft children will be a cause for a crisis, and everyone will be wringing their hands wondering what happened.

No wonder people are moving to Florida.


Here's how you can help me out during The Collapse:

You can send me Bitcoin Cash (BCH) here:

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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