Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Get WOKE - go get ROBBED

 Defund the Police, Bail Reform, BLM, ... all the chickens have come home to roost, and it is glorious.

Shellenberger's article is filled with gems.  The comments section is even better.  These wealthy woke clowns are now feeling the results of ignoring human nature.  Their therapeutic worldview of limitless kindness curing the ills of the oppressed violent criminal has resulted in home invasions, stolen rolexes, and another stolen watch so expensive I have never heard of the brand.  No public school English teachers will ever have to worry about this:

"In February, three alleged gang members stole a $500,000 Richard Mille RM 11-03 Flyback Chronograph watch off the arm of a man eating lunch at the Beverly Hills restaurant Il Pastaio. The same month, criminals robbed seven people of their Rolexes in neighborhoods bordering Beverly Hills."

The tragic worldview that regular people understand has reached Beverly Hills.  People, if they have no deterrence, will hurt, kill, rob and steal.  Notice how the article begins: "I've always been anti-gun", said Debbie Mizrahie of Beverly Hills.  Yes, she's been "anti-gun" because she's a wealthy woman who has never had to worry about anything except which delicatessen serves the best avocado toast.  All of that guns / violence / stealing stuff is for the rabble to deal with.  She's been able to virtue signal in public and especially on social media her whole life.  She's on team good.

But now, that she's in danger - suddenly everything is different. The hypocrisy and disconnect from human nature is astounding, but not surprising, for this subspecies of human.

The top comment from someone who gets it is here:

"I went from being an advocate of gun control in my 20’s to getting a concealed carry permit and owning them and I am not yet 40. (yes, locked in a biometric safe my kids can’t access and stored in a vault which is not in our home when we travel).

Two reasons:

1 - If we are going to defund the police and enable violent criminals, I am going to defend myself and my family. I have no ethical, moral, or legal responsibility to become a hapless victim simply because the woke are giddy about destroying other people’s lives.

2 - Authoritarianism grows most rapidly where the population is unarmed. We’ve tried all kinds of authoritarianism as humans, and it’s far more lethal than the tragic gun violence that accompanies an armed citizenry. In places where the right to bear arms is exercised by law abiding citizens at higher percentages of the population, there is actually less random gun violence - there is better gun safety education within the community and a much bigger deterrent for would be criminals."

Juxtapose that with 60's wealthy 'radical' boomer clod at the end of the article:

“I think I’m still radical,” said Markowitz, “but I’m radical in the middle. I’m just not on the extreme of anything. I’ve always believed that when you believe in something, you fight for whatever it is.”

Let the slimy and disgusting reality disconnect and hypocrisy ooze into your pores.  You know why regular people have contempt for Ms. Markowitz and her progressive Boomer ilk?  Shellenberger provides a uniquely unsurprising bio:

"The emergency preparedness committees, Just in Case Beverly Hills, were started by Vera Markowitz, a former 1960s radical who was a member of the New Left Students for a Democratic Society before moving to Beverly Hills."

.... before moving to Beverly Hills.  This boomer was a 'radical', and then moved to Beverly Hills. The protesters of today are cut from the same cloth.

The comment section hero, summing all of this up, is Mike, with this exquisite gem - elegant in its simplicity:

"Zero f***s given for these people. They’ve helped to create the nightmare they live in. Suck it up, progtards."


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