Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Bobby Kennedy Jr. ANNIHILATES the Fauci Medical KIT

Tom Woods speaks to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

It's telling that Woods didn't bother uploading the video to YouTube.  He's right in not wasting his time.  From his newsletter:

"I've just had an opportunity to interview Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose book The Real Anthony Fauci has been wildly successful despite a blackout from the usual suspects.

This interview, by the way, is not on YouTube. I didn't even bother uploading it there. YouTube doesn't believe in allowing adults to have conversations.

Instead, it's on my Odysee channel."

It shows you how far YouTube has fallen.  Previously, uploading to YT was a given.  If you wanted an audience, you either uploaded to YT or you were never seen.  Now, thinking off the top of my head,  Odysee, Rumble, and BitChute are legitimate options.

RFK Jr. has been at the forefront at calling out the danger of the organized power that is Big Pharma.  He's been doing this kind of thing for decades.  He made his name advocating for clean water, and getting impurities and high levels of lead out so that we would have both clean water and untainted fish.

In an interview a few months ago, he said something I'll always remember.  He mentioned that now he's advocating for clean, tested, carefully thought out vaccines, they call him an 'anti vaxxer'. But when he was trying to get lead out of the water, and the fish that live in it, no one called him 'anti-fish'.  

It shows you how the Power at the top operates.  Liberal hero / god Robert F. Kennedy Sr.'s son is pushing back against Big Corporate Pharma - and he's censored and ridiculed.  Fauci, a bureaucratic stooge who funds despicable and deadly animal research on beagles, is protected and lauded by Progressive Liberal organizations and people.  It's truly mad.

Woods asks RFK Jr. all the right questions about his efforts, and about RFK's new book.  The BUG19 Juice propaganda campaign, the mandates, the lying ... it's at a level I have never seen.  The Corporate Media, doing the bidding of a corrupt corporate power center is just as bad - and RFK Jr. is at a stage where he names names:

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