Friday, November 19, 2021

Always WRONG on Purpose

I saw the link to Andrew Sullivan's Substack article on Glenn Greenwald's TWTR feed:

You know things are bad when Establishment Conservative and Part Time Weasel-wordsmith Sullivan writes paragraphs like this:

"Think of the other narratives the MSM pushed in recent years that have collapsed. They viciously defamed the Covington boys. They authoritatively told us that bounties had been placed on US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin — and Trump’s denials only made them more certain. They told us that the lab-leak theory of Covid was a conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it at all. (The NYT actually had the story of the leak theory, by Donald McNeil, killed it, and then fired McNeil, their best Covid reporter, after some schoolgirls complained he wasn’t woke.) Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The MSM took the ludicrous story of Jussie Smollett seriously because it fit their nutty “white supremacy” narrative. They told us that a woman was brutally gang-raped at UVA (invented), that the Pulse mass shooting was driven by homophobia (untrue) and that the Atlanta spa shooter was motivated by anti-Asian bias (no known evidence for that at all). For good measure, they followed up with story after story about white supremacists targeting Asian-Americans, in a new wave of “hate,” even as the assaults were disproportionately by African Americans and the mentally ill.

As Greenwald noted, the NYT “published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick’s skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died.” The media told us that an alleged transgender exposure in the Wi Spa in Los Angeles was an anti-trans hoax (also untrue). They told us that the emails recovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation. They did this just before an election and used that claim to stymie the story on social media. But they were not Russian disinformation. They were a valid if minor news story the media consciously kept from its audience for partisan purposes."

Sullivan can't help himself with the Rittenhouse business as he had to add that Rittenhouse "had no business being there" (provably wrong), and, earlier in the article, that "This doesn't mean that Trump wasn't eager for Russian help" (wrong). 

See how the Establishment Conservatives can't help themselves?  Sullivan just HAS to put those things in there as he channels his inner Washington Generals eternal defend and retreat DC Beltway beta male.

I have to give him credit however.  When someone like Sullivan sounds the alarm about the corporate media, it shows that The Narrative is failing so badly it isn't even funny.

Rittenhouse did have reason to be there, and the following video is the best run down of the case.  No games, no prosletyzing, no nonsense.  Robert Barnes walks Michael Malice through the events.  That the Corporate Media and the Prosecution are spinning it in a way that is unrecognizable to the truth is par for the course for the Prometheans:

It starts at 5:57, after Barnes updates Malice on the Alex Jones trial fiasco, another case that shows that the country formerly known as These United States is on the back 9:

The entire thing is eye opening.  The behavior of the Corporate Press and the Prosecution is so repellent it defies imagination.  

"Annuit Coeptis", our Enterprise, the great Experiment, is irretrievably broken.  The lizards at the top and their minions in the Corporate Press are still able to warp the minds of many of the animals on the farm.  Plan accordingly.


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