Saturday, October 30, 2021

Tucker Rips Apart THE NARRATIVE in Front of EVERYONE

Carlson has really done it this time.  How can you tell?  The Keepers of the Narrative, the Prometheans, the NWO, the Cathedral ... whatever you want to call them, they're FURIOUS.

Tucker and his group have come out with a documentary called 'Patriot Purge'.

It talks about the management of The Herd.  This is simply not to be done.  Here's why.  The formula is simple.  If there isn't a crisis to be used to frighten the animals on the Tax Farm, you create a situation to get them to buy in to the action that is necessary.

An example:

If you want to have the USA go into a small, southeast Asian country in order to 'stop communism', you have to have them attack you.  It's absurd that the fall of Vietnam to the communists would create a 'Domino Effect' and somehow threaten the nuclear capable, monster budget USA.  But people believed it, because the Gulf of Tonkin false flag worked, even though it was fake.

Carlson's take in his documentary is that one six is the same thing.  He's right.  Everyone from me, to Glenn Greenwald, to some of the major media outlets have documented the incident and found it to have been infiltrated by feds.

However, they need one six to be this scary, bloody event in order to clamp down further on Americans.

The idea of a false flag simply can't get in front of anyone, because it will not only cement in place the fraudulence of the FedGov, it will move a few million to start questioning things.

This preview is making the Deep State go bananas:

You can see the SJW's going crazy here if you want. They're already apoplectic, and having a total meltdown.

Greenwald is all over it of course:

The memes are already coming out, as the frothing SJW's just did a false flag in Virginia with the D vs. R bus incident:

They're all SJW woke clowns, faking it all with the tiki torches, to 'scare' the masses.



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