Sunday, October 24, 2021

This Isn't Your Grandfather's NEW WORLD ORDER

"Doesn't play well with others."

This is one of those school comments from yesteryear that was a signal to parents that they're little one wasn't working with the group, and being a good little cog in the machine.

I wonder if the "doesn't play well" types became more successful.

If this story is any indication, the answer is a resounding YES:

As you can see, Doomberg has written a good column again.

There's an allusion, as always with these kinds of articles, that the leaders are 'stupid' - that they 'missed' the oncoming Energy Crisis.  This really sets me off, and I can't help but comment:

"If you weren't afraid, many years ago, of being called a "conspiracy theorist", or even reading what those "tinfoil hat wearing" weirdos were writing, you'd look at the Project in a different way. There is no way you can have a World Government if you have a strong, intelligent, independent and intellectually curious country anywhere on earth. So you have to remove that country. I say this because they aren't "stupid" at all.

I tell this to Conservative types all the time. The shibboleth: "never equate malfeasance with what can be described by stupidity" is one of the best rhetorical fake-outs of all time. If they're so 'stupid', why do they always win? Why are they in positions of power all over the world? Conservative Inc. is the worst offender. They're controlled opposition - the Washington Generals.

Unfortunately it looks like they'll succeed, and the USA will get balkanized. The only saving grace is that this is the 4th generation of what we used to call the "New World Order", and like all 4th generations, they destroy their elder's project because they're not nearly as disciplined, and were handed their positions.

Bill Cooper, G. Edward Griffin, Stan Monteith, Carroll Quigley, John Taylor Gatto, Theodore Roscoe, Edwin Vieira, John Beaty and a few others are the people I'm talking about.

I see stories like this, and if the parameters hurt the West, it's simply more grist for the mill. The X factors that have arisen over the past 15 years are the ascension of Putin and Xi. They aren't cooperating, and it shows how they're portrayed in the press."

There's the point.  Xi and Putin aren't playing ball, and they and their countries will capitalize.  The laughable joke that modern society can be run on wind and solar energy is absurd and obvious to any 11th grade physics student.  But if you want to destroy a powerhouse nation, you infect it with ideas like 'green energy', 'CRT', Latinx, pronouns in the bio, postmodernism, and you have the Joint Chief of staff cry when talking about 'white rage'.

These people aren't stupid.  Their problem is that they don't have the discipline of their elders, nor their patience.  These control freaks have been handed the NWO Project, and they want to see it happen.  Look at the list of people who founded the Federal Reserve.  They knew what it would do.  They also knew that there was no way they'd live to see the consequences.  Today's grandchildren and great grandchildren didn't get the Harvard 5 foot shelf education, nor do they have the patience to wait. 

So you're getting the two X factors, Xi and Putin, to capitalize on the situation.  They're nationalists to the extreme, and aren't playing ball with the spoiled progeny of the OG New World Orderites.

Why do you think Greta's handlers and stage managers never have her take a 1 hour flight across the Baltic Sea to Russia to tell them "How Dare You!"

It will be a cold day in hell when she goes to China to say that to Xi's face.

But she and her coterie will take a yacht to the USA and talk before the United Nations.  And a dumbed down American citizenry takes it all so seriously.

Are you seeing it yet?


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