Sunday, October 10, 2021

Scandinavia Blocks BUG JUICE

I remember being on FBook and being told that my free market capitalist self should shut up and follow what the good Socialist Democrats do in Scandinavia.  I was told they do everything right, and we need to "be more like Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway".

"The Swedish health agency said it would pause using the shot for people born in 1991 and later as data pointed to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults that had been vaccinated. Those conditions involve an inflammation of the heart or its lining.

"The connection is especially clear when it comes to Moderna's vaccine Spikevax, especially after the second dose," the health agency said, adding the risk of being affected was very small."

"... adding the risk of being affected was very small".  Interesting that the qualifier "rare" was written.

And what is the 'risk' of getting, being hospitalized, or dying of BUG19 with that age group.  Guess what? It's very small.  It's not even a rounding error it's so infinitesimal.  Isn't it amazing that the cost / benefit / risk / percentage analysis is done when it comes to the negative effects of FauciMedicalKit19 Juice, but never goes the other way? 

Here's the part that's even crazier.  You see the column "All Deaths involving BUG-19 [1]"

Heres's the fine print for [1]:

'[1] Deaths with confirmed or presumed (BUG)-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.'


That means that among the 4,238 deaths, some percentage of those - remember this is 29 and under - are presumed.  It's not even a genuine number.

What's the risk there?  Why aren't we told from our good friends in The Media about this infinitesimal risk?  Added to that, we know that the incentive is to label a death 'BUG19' because the institution gets PAID thousands of dollars.  And the number, for people under 29, is still that small.  4,238, some presumed, out of 330 million.  Do the math.  It won't get done for you.

Let's look at a GOOG 'news' search for Sweden, Denmark, and Finland and this suspension of BUGJUICE:

Sweden, Norway,  Finland, and Denmark.  Remember, these are the countries we should FOLLOW as they are Socialist Democrats, and they get everything right.  Look at the outlets that reported this 4 days ago - and there's nothing since then.  See any large American media?  I included the last 'news' bit for comedic effect.  Not only is 'Sweeden' misspelled, but it's an American outlet that simply can't resist and HAS to add 'rare' to the heading.

The Vast Herd of Mouth Breathing American Tax Cattle deserve what they get.  I normally don't think or write like that, but if a broken down -25- years- in- the -Bad -Neighborhood -Public- School English teacher can see this ... things shouldn't be the way they are.


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All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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