Thursday, October 28, 2021

Energy CRISIS: Real News vs FAKE NEWS

Michael Schellenberger is a progressive who won't get with the program.  He's really good on energy issues.  Naturally, he's on Substack.

Because of the Global Warming Climate Change hysteria hoaxery, there is an energy crisis around the world. 

It took me 30 seconds to find this article, indicative of the shortages and price spikes in energy:

The real culprits are easy to find.  The "green movement" is the vehicle that the Promethean power elite have co-opted in order to realize their world government controlled utopia.  It's the reason why Patrick Moore left Greenpeace, and why Schellenberger regularly writes articles like this:

None of this was difficult to predict.  For chrissakes, the head of Exxon called it before he was fired:

"It’s not like oil and gas executives didn’t know that underinvestment would lead to today’s price shocks. It’s that they were ignored. When the former CEO of Exxon, Lee Raymond, was asked what kept him up at night he said, simply, “Reserve replacement.” Shareholders had demanded he stop investing. In 2020, under pressure from climate activists, JPMorgan Chase, America’s largest investment bank, removed Raymond from his role as the board’s lead independent director."

So now, 'reserve replacement', ie: backup fuel supply, is not there.  And prices are spiking.  The green movement, long corrupt and infiltrated by leftist / socialist forces, has caused a crisis.  (side note: China and India are ignoring the 'greens').

If you don't invest in oil and gas exploration, you won't find any.  That's what's happening now.  Because people have no idea where things come from, or how anything is made, suddenly, there is an energy crisis!

In an unbelievable bit of timing, talent-free midwit writer Tom Friedman showed up to tell the True Believers who read The NY Times what to think.  It is glorious and amazing to witness:

Whatever the Establishment says, believe the opposite.


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