Saturday, August 21, 2021

CHAOS in Covidistan

There's plenty of chaos to go around, caused and managed by the Elites.  Afghanistan has been in the news, now Covidistan is in the news too.

It looks like what every conspiracy theorist predicted has (again) come true.  Vox had this from Denninger's site:

"Now the CDC wants everyone to line up for a third round of clot-shot lottery.

Note carefully: The Israel data says this will fail and kill lots of people.
  • Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”
That’s right. They’re not.

Delta may be more-transmissible but if you’re immune it does not matter how transmissible a virus is. You either can or cannot be infected. It’s binary. If you’re immune then you’re immune. If you’re not then you’re not.

The idea that somehow Delta “can” break through immunity because it is more transmissible is flat-out scientific fraud and everyone who says that and has any knowledge of viruses and immunity knows it. They’re lying, on purpose, and every one of them deserves to be locked up in GITMO as a ****ing terrorist and waterboarded to within an inch of their lives.

The reason Delta is “breaking through” is either due to OAS or the fact that the vaccines never did work worth a crap in the first place to prevent you from getting infected. Their “efficacy” was a lie but whether its due to mutational reality or the fact that we claimed “effectiveness” simply due to herd effects with the existing circulating strains at the time does not matter.

My suspicion is that there is a blend of both going on here and there is science to back that up; the mutational pattern that we have seen and the science behind it says that evasion is happening. The “wild coding” used originally and to this day for the jabs is long-extinct; there is basically zero of that circulating anymore in the population. It has all been subsumed by ordinary mutational process and we had every reason to believe this would happen when Covid-19 first showed up because it has happened with every other coronavirus we have studied through history — including the closest analog SARS-1 which mutated itself out of transmission and being a threat to people.

This is much like what happens with the flu shot every year: They have to guess which specific flu strains will show up in advance. They’re never right. Their match varies in effectiveness but is basically never 100%. Get it right, you get decent protection. Get it wrong you get little or nothing.

Except: Every coronavirus in history has mutated at a high rate in the spike domain. All of them. We knew this and we ALSO knew before the first shot went into the first arm the strain against which the vaccines were developed — all of them — was extinct in the wild, having been out-competed by said mutations.

Remember waaaaaayy back when it was #flattenthecurve?  I do.  We're now in day 542 of 'two weeks to flatten the curve'.  In other words, the Ruling Elite were wrong, as they were wrong about Afghanistan, wrong about the domino theory in Vietnam, wrong about AZT treatment for AIDS (Fauci again), wrong about keeping your doctor, wrong about going of gold, wrong about race relations, wrong about the Bug19 Juice being the do all end all .... in other words, they've been wrong about everything.  Does it make a difference?  You tell me:

Here's the interesting part.  Now that the Bug19 Juice needs a booster - shot #3, there is starting to be a pushback, even among the Normies.  Remember when getting the clotshot meant you were good, you were done, all ok and you could go on with your life?

They tied employment to getting the Juice.  Now that you need the 'booster', it looks like your future employment may be tied to getting the ForeverBooster or get fired.  Even the garden variety American starts to get a little angry when you do something like that.  They did it right, they trusted the Rulers in govt, now they're on the hook ... forever?

I hope they tie the boosters to employment, because they've painted themselves into a corner on this one.  How do you square that circle with this?

This is turning into pure chaos.  


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