Thursday, August 26, 2021

Another Big Club You're NOT IN

It's never a conspiracy.  No one, ever, is working together, at the top, to see to it that things go their way.  One of the most effective things the Power Elite ever did was make it so that the Rabble get angry and lash out at anyone called a "conspiracy theorist!"

It still works, even though all of these got you called a conspiracy theorist!! on social media 10 years ago:
  • Practically ALL the presidents are related.
  • Operation Mockingbird.
  • Gulf of Tonkin FAKED.
  • MKULTRA mind control.
Everything above is bracketed now as ''we always knew that, nothing to see here'.

Here's another one of those odd coincidences:

The Belmont Hill school in Massachusetts produced these two.  This, naturally, is a coincidence.  Never mind that Rachel is doing her thing, and Milley is on TV practically weeping about 'white rage', and how he wants to understand it.  You can't make this up.  While preaching about 'diversity' and 'white rage' and all the other SJW Woke shibboleths, they went to a school that today is 83% white.  I wonder what the percentage was back when they were there?  It costs $53,000 a year to go to Belmont Hill.  

Let's look at the 'white rage' inducing picture from their webpage:

I wish someone had shown this to Milley during the press conference.  He would have been so confused and angry! Look at that!

Here's a picture of the campus.  I work in the Bad Neighborhood.  Our campus doesn't look like this:

So here we are again.  A small group of people, from Elite Private Boarding schools, all seem to work together, shouting and shaming you to live in a manner that they didn't live themselves.  How often do Rachel and Milley go into the hood and mix it up?  I'd guess never.  But they'll lecture you and direct policy to see to it that you're unable to be left alone and simply live the life you wish.


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