Thursday, June 17, 2021

Glenn Loury Exposes the Nonsensical RACE Narrative

From Youtube:

"Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Brown university economist Glenn Loury about why it’s controversial for a black man to be against diversity and inclusion, affirmative action, and reparations. Glenn also shares his thoughts on why the narrative of systemic racism and racial disparities is wrong and how the Democratic party pushes lies to get the support of black voters. Glenn first explains his background, thoughts on COVID, reopening schools and how he came to be a minority voice that supports neoliberalism, capitalism, and free trade. He also explains why he is critical of diversity and inclusion trainings, affirmative action in higher education and why slavery reparations would be a disaster for this country. 

Glenn describes how the U.S. has come as close as it possibly can to solving institutional racism and why people hold on to the belief that systemic racism is the reason for racial inequality. Glenn discusses Thomas Sowell and his book ”Discrimination and Disparities”. Glenn talks about why racial disparities have always existed and perfect equality is the historic abnormality. There have always been disparities between different groups and blaming systemic racism does not explain why the disparities occur. 

Glenn outlines the hard work that needs to be done if society wants to eliminate racial disparities in education and income. Glenn also talks about how the single parent family is far too often a typical example of a black family in the black community. He stresses how damaging an absent father can be on a child’s future. He also discusses how the war on poverty has helped some, but also harmed many others by the welfare state creating a poverty trap. Glenn shares why he views himself as an independent and not a Republican or Democrat. 

He gives his thoughts on how Democrats have fanned the flames of the racism bogeyman in a cynical attempt to get more of the black vote. Glenn also explains how Barack Obama missed many opportunities to engage the country in an honest conversation about race. He also calls out Michelle Obama for saying that she fears for the safety of her daughters. Glenn demands that if African-Americans want to start eliminating these disparities they need to stop playing the victim. The victim mentality will only encourage society to lower the bar for what is possible from African-Americans."


I watched the whole thing.  It's only a matter of time before videos like this get scrubbed off of YouTube.  Loury goes hard into the utter nonsense that is going on at the universities, exemplified by a totally insane example from Georgetown Law.  There are 2 or 3 epic Loury rants in this as well.  If you need to slowly red pill your Normie friend, this is a decent place to go:


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