Saturday, May 29, 2021

Reuters Spills the Beans in "CORRECTING" Info on Faucci Juice

I misspelled Faucci on purpose.  He's been an incompetent bureaucrat for 35 years, so he doesn't rate being spelled correctly.

This article is impressive in its ability to 'correct' internet rumors with even more scary truth.  In reading the Establishment Line about the Vajjeen, I was made more wary of it.

This is an establishment mouthpiece "fact checking" internet rumors that have become to powerful to ignore.  So Reuters has "fact checked" them.  Remember, "fact checking" is the way the Keepers of the Narrative lull the NPC's and Normies into their eternal intellectual slumber.

Here are some amazing bits of Establishment Truth:

"Emergency use authorization (EUA) in the U.S. has been issued as a result of the severity of the pandemic. When the pandemic is over, the EUA will cease and vaccine manufacturers will need to apply for full U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval (here). No timeline on this has yet been given (here). The UK, meanwhile, has a similar mechanism (here , here)."

It's "emergency use" because of the severity, and the yahmean will, at a later time, have to go through the regular process.  For the first time ever, the NPC is OK with a transnational corporation skipping the gov't regulations and process.

"Meanwhile, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to generate a similar immune response. While these are the first  mRNA vaccines to be rolled out to the general public, the technology behind  them  has been developed over  a number of  years  (here).  "

So this type of vax has NEVER been rolled out, AND it's been rushed.

"However, due  to time constraints and the urgency to find a vaccine  for COVID-19,  Moderna and Pfizer  did receive  approval to run animal testing and early trials on humans at the same time, as opposed to  fully  completing animal trials before moving on to human trials. This, however, does not mean animal trials were skipped. (  here, here ,  here)."

This is indicative of my point on this post.  In 'fact checking' the internet rumor that animal testing was skipped, they tell us that no, it was not skipped - in fact they DID test on animals.  Ask your local white liberal if they approve of animal testing ... on anything.  Then watch for the exploding head when the mask wearing white liberal learns that the vajean was tested on animals.  Do this purely for entertainment purposes.  You can't re-train the white liberal.

Here is how this amazing bit of journalism and fact checking ends:

CLAIM 4 - “None will complete a research trial for 2-3 years”  

This is not true, and likely  stems  from misinformation shared elsewhere which  equates “estimated study completion dates” on clinical trial websites  to the  actual  end dates of clinical trials. 

For Pfizer, this  estimated  date is  listed as  Jan. 31, 2023  (, while  Moderna is Oct. 27, 2022  (

However, these  dates do not mean clinical trials  will continue  for  this long, and instead reference continued safety monitoring  after the vaccine has been approved and rolled out, which is standard practice within the industry.  
  • Notice the weasel word: 'misinformation'.
  • Notice as well that 'clinical trials' is rebranded as 'continued safety monitoring'.  That was pretty slick.  It took me 2 readings to catch it.
  • "This is 'standard practice' Normie - go get your stabby, and it's so good and safe that we have to bribe you to get it."
Here's only one example of the bribe for this amazingly safe and perfect That Needle:

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